

CU 301 smart classroom technology




Arts & Letters, College of


Johnson, Linda

Budget Manager:

Dimaggio, Kathleen M.

Project Manager:

Johnson, Linda K.

Proposal Approvers

Dept. Chair:

Coltman, Heather J.

Local IT:

Topple, Gregory L.


Johnson, Linda K.




Campbell, Glen R.

Proposal Funding

Year 1:

$ 8,934.14

Year 2:

$ 0.00

Year 3:

$ 0.00


$ 8,934.14

Proposal Funding versus Average



The Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters is requesting funding from the technology fee to install e-classroom technology in room 301 in the Culture and Society building. (bldg. 97). Room 301 is a large seminar or conference room type space that is scheduled for meetings, seminars and small group presentations. Its use as a small classroom space for undergraduate upper division and graduate level seminar courses has increased in the past year and will continue to increase.


The space was originally wired for a ceiling mounted projector and teaching lectern, but the technology was never fully implemented when the Culture and Society building was completed. A projector was mounted on the ceiling but neither a lectern or computer were installed or connected. A faculty person teaching in there this semester would climb on a chair and providing his own cord would plugged his laptop into the projector to be able to project lecture material.


It is necessary to install a complete e-classroom package to make this a suitable space for undergraduate and graduate seminars, small symposia, and other opportunities for intellectual exchange, complete with a new projector, teaching lectern, document camera and computer with DVD player. AVI advised replacing the 4-yr old projector with a new one to insure that all the components of the system are fully compatible.


In order to meet the pedagogical needs of our faculty and students, we need to be able to safely project powepoint presentations, film screenings, access educational internet resources and other audiovisual presentations made by faculty and students. To install the FAU standard e-classroom package in CU 301 would bring this room inline with other small classrooms at FAU that already have the current technology. Today with the advances of technology impacting all programs of study it is essential that CU 301 be upgraded to a smart classroom.


In addition, there are many ways turning CU 301 into an e-classroom fulfills the goals of the university’s 2012-17 Strategic Plan.  The strategies recommended for reaching Goal 1: Enrich the educational experience, include to “increase use of social learning technologies” (A.5.) and “increase support services and technologies that promote e-learning initiatives” (D.9.).  Even more directly and broadly, Goal 4: Leverage momentum toward achieving FAU's strategic goals by being good stewards of its human, technological, physical and financial resources, would be met by refitting the classroom, especially strategy D.4: “Increase the number of ‘next generation’ classrooms, video conferencing and open instructional labs and increase the use of commercially available software products for all to utilize new technologies to their fullest potential.”

No facility renovations are required as part of the proposed project. The room and ceiling were wired for this type of system when the building was under construction.
Hardware Requirements

The various hardware requirements for the project are as follows:


AVI SPL Electronic Classroom hardware and installation (see itemized attachment)    $ 5,936.14

iMac computer, keyboard, and mouse                                                                       1518.00

Incidental hardware expenses (cords, projector lamps, locks, etc.)                                  900.00

Black out shade and installation  (Boca Blinds)                                                                580.00

Total           $ 8934.14
Software Requirements
Standard software from the FAU image
Personnel Costs

There are no personnel costs.

Other Costs

No additional cost. Installation of electronic classroom equipment, computer and peripherals are included in the AVI quote or will be facilitate by the College OIT staff. 

This project would start immediately upon notice of funding and would be completed prior to the start of the fall term 2014.
There are one- to three-year warranties on all equipment.  The College will pay for replacements of parts that wear out.
Resource Matching

There are no matching resources available for this project.


Implementing Organization

The organizations implementing the project are AVI SPL and College of Arts & Letters IT personnel.

Proposal Budget

Fiscal Year 1 Fiscal Year 2 Fiscal Year 3 Total
Hardware One-Time $ 8,934.14 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,934.14
Hardware Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Software One-time $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Software Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Personnel One-time $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Personnel Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Other One-time $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Other Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Totals $ 8,934.14 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,934.14

Supporting Documentation

Filename Size Description
CU 301 iMac quote.pdf 232,870b Apple Computer quote
CU301_AVI quote.pdf .pdf 21,861b AVI Quote