

STEAM For Educators




Education, College of


Brown, Susannah

Budget Manager:

Laliberte, Rick

Project Manager:

Proposal Approvers

Dept. Chair:

Peluso, Paul R.

Local IT:

Diaz, Steven C.


Silverman, Stephen




Bagdonas, Joseph A.

Proposal Funding

Year 1:

$ 2,598.45

Year 2:

$ 0.00

Year 3:

$ 0.00


$ 2,598.45

Proposal Funding versus Average


STEAM in educational settings includes Visual Art in the traditional Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning approach. FAU students will learn about the STEAM approach to instruction and practice by utilizing 3D printers and pens in K-5 lessons. This innovative STEAM approach enhances the pre-service teacher training by integrating instructional technology with visual art to benefit not only FAU students, but their future K-5 students. Engaging the community through FAU students' work with local schools is a large part of the College of Education program for pre-service teachers. Integrating content learning through STEAM activities supports FAU students through instruction in the university art education courses that allows them to actively engage in unique applications of technology and visual art. FAU students then will create their own K-5 lesson plans that utilize the skills they have learned and share these ideas with teachers in the field through Academic Service-Learning projects embedded in the course. As one of the pillars and platforms of the FAU Strategic Plan, Community Engagement and Economic Development is supported through this proposal as FAU students are engaging with K-5 school community to support not only their own training but encouraging creativity and innovation for teachers in the field. The selection of the XYZPrinting STEAM Educational Package was impacted by the curriculum choices supported through this company. Two lessons are included in the selected package, "The Beauty of Symmetry" and "Proportion and Art." The information in each lesson complements the learning in art education courses and provides solid lesson examples for FAU students to use when creating their own STEAM lessons. For more information about the specific package, please see the supporting documentation.
No facilities renovations or upgrades are required. ED 118 in the College of Education Boca Raton Campus will be organized to include the 3D printers and supplies for the STEAM lessons. Dr. Susannah Brown will be responsible for setting up the equipment. The long counter space along the right side of the room will provide the space for seven 3D printers, monofilament supplies, and 3D pens. The 3D printer area complements the studio by adding technology applications appropriate for educational settings. FAU students will design lesson plans and create 3D projects that enhance their future K-5 teaching.
Hardware Requirements
Hardware will be included in the curriculum package for STEAM Standard package through XYZPrinting K-5 STEAM. Included in the packeage is 7 da Vinci Jr. 1.0 3D printers; 2 Scanner Pro; 2 Educational Package of 3D Pen; and 12 Jr. Series filament.A one-year software subscription for 2 lessons is included. The lessons included in the package are described in the Software Requirements. The package has a standard price to include the above items and is not itemized. Total package price is listed in the budget under Hardware. Supplemental monofilament to create projects is included in the budget under Other. Thirty spools of monofilament (1kg each spool) of various colors including: white, black, red, yellow, blue, and green.
Software Requirements
Software will be provided through the STEAM curriculum to design projects to printed with the 3D printers. XYZPrinting provides 2 lessons in the standard package for 1 year subscription. Free lessons are accessible through the XYZPrinting website. The two lessons selected for the STEAM Lab that will be located in ED 118 and utillized by students enrolled in the art education courses are "The Beauty of Symmetry" and "Proportion and Art." The software will be installed on the existing computer in ED 118. In the budget, software for these lesson plans are included in the XYZPrinting Standard STEAM Package and not itemized.
Personnel Costs
No personnel costs are required.
Other Costs
No other costs beyond the budget submitted during the implementation year.
Spring 2021 January- order STEAM curriculum and supplies February-March- once supplies are received Dr. Susannah Brown will set up lab in ED 118. Software will be installed for the existing computer in ED 118 that comes with the STEAM curriculum. March-April- Pre-service education students enrolled in Art Education courses will utilize the STEAM curriculum to design projects and create on the 3D printers. Projects completed by students will be displayed in ED 118. Students will create STEAM lessons and share with in-service educators (Academic Service-Learning Projects). The ASL component can be completed virtually or in-person depending upon school openings and policies. Please note that Dr. Susannah Brown is listed on the Spring 2021 schedule to teach hybrid courses, which includes in-person class meetings. Depending upon FAU policies for in-person classes, Dr. Susannah Brown will conduct the STEAM lessons during the in-person classes. Fall 2021 August-December- Pre-service education students enrolled in Art Education courses will will utilize the STEAM curriculum to design projects and create on the 3D printers. Students will create STEAM lessons and share with in-service educators (Academic Service-Learning Projects).The ASL component can be completed virtually or in-person depending upon school openings and policies. December- Projects displayed with lesson plans for display in ED 118 to share with other education students. Please note, this fall timeline depends upon FAU policies for in-person classes.
The plan for sustainability is that future printing supplies specifically monofilament needed for STEAM 3D projects will be purchased through the Art Education supply account. The technology fee grant provides the intial seed money to purchase the 3D printing equipment and software subscriptions. Since the monofilament is easily ordered through suppliers, the STEAM projects can be continued with future classes. There are free 3D printing lessons that can be downloaded to expand the STEAM curriculum after the educational package subscription ends (1 year).
Resource Matching
No resources mathcing is provided by organizations.
Implementing Organization
Dr. Susannah Brown will implement the project as Professor of Art Education, College of Education, Teaching and Learning. Minimal assistance may be needed from FAU OIT (Boca Raton) to install software provided by the STEAM curriculum.

Proposal Budget

Fiscal Year 1 Fiscal Year 2 Fiscal Year 3 Total
Hardware One-Time $ 1,999.95 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,999.95
Hardware Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Software One-time $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Software Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Personnel One-time $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Personnel Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Other One-time $ 598.50 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 598.50
Other Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Totals $ 2,598.45 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,598.45

Supporting Documentation

Filename Size Description
Technology Fee Supplies.docx 13,022b Supplies for STEAM Package
XYZprinting K-12 STEAM_Education kit.pdf 500,771b Detailed explanation of STEAM Educational Packages