

Upgrade experimental modern physics lab and physical electronics lab




Science, College of


Qiu, Shen Li

Budget Manager:

Stephens, Wendy A

Project Manager:

Qiu, Shen Li

Proposal Approvers

Dept. Chair:

Miller, Warner A

Local IT:



Ivy, Russell L.




Campbell, Glen R.

Proposal Funding

Year 1:

$ 40,000.00

Year 2:

$ 0.00

Year 3:

$ 0.00


$ 40,000.00

Proposal Funding versus Average



Physics department is seeking to upgrade experimental modern physics lab and physical electronics lab which are located in PS 125, 130 and PS 152 respectively in Boca Raton campus.

Experiemntal modern physics and physical electronics labs provide undergraduates of science hands-on experience with experiments that are challenging at varying levels of expertise. Students will learn in the labs how to organize the investigations for various experiments, collect, record and analyze data, draw conclusions and present experimental results using vivid graph, video and written forms. The two labs are essentially directed-independent-study courses which play a role of bridge between classroom study and research works, therefore, it is an important implementation of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). To reach this goal we need to upgrade the two labs because many experimental apparatus and electronic devices are obsolete, some of them have been used for more than 30 or even 40 years which quite often cause impairment on experimental study for students.There is only one computer in the two labs which was purchased 10 years ago, and there is no printer.

We propose to upgrade the two labs by seeking funding for purchasing computers, interface devices and computer-interfaced sensors for data acquisition with the flowing goals:
(a) Provide undergraduates of science with state-of-the-art computer-interfaced data acquisition technologies to enhance their hand-on experience and ability of performing various new complex experiments, which are indispensable under today’s research climate and in line with the University QEP.
(b) Make the two labs more attractive and exciting to encourage and guide
undergraduates of science learn the cutting-edge scienceand join scientific research work, which will certainly attract more students to study science at FAU, improve the retention and graduation rates of students.
(c) Updating the two labs will boost FAU’s IT infrastructure by providing equipment to train students in the use of latest technology and software, and make physics education program for undergraduates of science at FAU comparable to any university in Florida. Moreover, the latest computer-interfaced and sensor-based data acquisition technologies have also extensive applications in Chemistry, Biology, Environmental science and Engineering. The experience gained from the updated two labs will equip the undergraduates of science to work in any of related areas.
Upgrade of the two labs will enhance students’ experiences for handling difficult problems using latest technologies such as how to organize investigations for various experiments, collect, record and analyze data; draw conclusions and present experimental results using vivid graph, video and written forms. These experiences are within complete alignment with the statewide effort in producing graduates meeting the workforce needs.


Hardware Requirements

All proposed computers, interface devices, computer-interfaced sensors, network printers comply fully with IRM standards.


12 desktop PCs with monitors, approximate cost of $1,200 per computer, total cost ~ $14,400.

12 interface devices, approximate cost of $1,000 per interface device, total cost $12,000

Computer-interfaced sensors for data acquisition such as voltage sensor, current sensor, charge sensor, force sensor, magnetic field sensor, light sensor, etc., approximate total cost  ~ $10,000


3 network printers, approximate total cost  ~ $2,400.

Software Requirements

Computer simulation and circuit-design softwares for physical electronics lab,  approximate total cost  ~ $ 1,200    

(Physics department has already purchased the departmental license of computer interface software --- PASCO Capstone which can be used in all physics teaching labs).
Personnel Costs
Other Costs
All upgrading of modern physics and physical electronics labs will be done within one year from the date of the Award.
Physics Department and Science College will  provide continuing support to sustain these labs.
Resource Matching
The College of Science IT support staff and the Physics Department will provide the resources to install and maintain these labs.
Implementing Organization

No additional cost are anticipated for this project.

Proposal Budget

Fiscal Year 1 Fiscal Year 2 Fiscal Year 3 Total
Hardware One-Time $ 38,800.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 38,800.00
Hardware Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Software One-time $ 1,200.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 1,200.00
Software Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Personnel One-time $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Personnel Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Other One-time $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Other Recurring $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
Totals $ 40,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 40,000.00

Supporting Documentation

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